Illustration, philosophy, poetry, and fan-art… it all comes together in my zines. If you want to back the making of new work while getting updates along the way, then back me on Patreon! At the $2 tier you get digital copies of each zine, and at the $5-10 tiers you get a physical copy mailed (it’s like your own secret zine club)!
If anything is sold out, contact me or reach out on social @nogoodzines
I gave up managing my own WooCommerce platform due to cost and my own inactivity; if you want physical copies of any of the zines I share or post about, reach out via email or DM. Or, when you purchase the digital version on Gumroad, message asking about mailing a copy as well. Thanks!
Instead of making yet another Substack newsletter, just sign up for an old-fashioned email blast whenever I remember to write it.