No Good, Zines

Illustration, philosophy, poetry, and fan-art… it all comes together in my zines. If you want to back the making of new work while getting updates along the way, then back me on Patreon! At the $2 tier you get digital copies of each zine, and at the $5-10 tiers you get a physical copy mailed (it’s like your own secret zine club)!

If anything is sold out, contact me or reach out on social @nogoodzines

I gave up managing my own WooCommerce platform due to cost and my own inactivity; if you want physical copies of any of the zines I share or post about, reach out via email or DM. Or, when you purchase the digital version on Gumroad, message asking about mailing a copy as well. Thanks!

Works In Progress
While things have slowed down for me since the pandemic (without physical zinefests going on), I'm still working on zines and have several in the works. Some of those upcoming zines are about cubing, chess, penguins, accessibility, and autism.
Perpetual Poseur
Grab the first two issues of "Perpetual Poseur" as a digital-download! These perzines were made in October 2020 & January 2021 as an aftershock from re-watching SLC Punk! and then re-listening to a bunch of old Rancid, NoFX, and other 90s punk tunes.
Zine Templates
Learn how to make your own zine's with these handy PDFs! It comes with one page that explains how to do the folding and single cut needed and one that's a blank template of how the pages should lay out (plus, for the mini-zine there is a kid-friendly prompt page to make it a fun family activity).
Screen Time Vol.1
A mini-zine that investigates how I engage with my phone (and potential changes to take back some intentionality moving forward).
Poetry Month 2020
A collection of daily tanka written during April 2020’s National Poetry Month (the first 13 days, anyway). Originally posted on @nogoodpoems. Illustrations for each poem done as a single-line drawing without picking up the (Apple) Pencil.
How 2 Website & Professor
The unabridged guide to becoming the best [insert job title here] that so-called pros don’t want you to read/buy! (warning: this is satire, do not try at home, disclaimer disclaimer etc...)
A zine collected from Inktober 2019 prompts. The topic I chose for an overarching theme was constellations and wrote a haiku to accompany each.
My Summer as a Friendly Villager
A zine inspired by my Animal Crossing filled summer of 2006, where everything was awful and life was much simpler inside the Nintendo GameCube.
Poetry Month 2019
A collection of daily haiku written during April 2019’s National Poetry Month. Originally posted on @nogoodpoems. Illustrations made by @bowllick and look absolutely amazing.
January 2021
December 2020
October 2020
April 2020
February 2020
October 2019
September 2019
April 2019


Follow along on Social and Patreon, or buy digital zines via Gumroad!

Join the Infrequent Newsletter!

Instead of making yet another Substack newsletter, just sign up for an old-fashioned email blast whenever I remember to write it.