My Account

One of the big pushes for F’20 was to increase the value of having & using an account for customers on BradyID. A big step in that process was rethinking the login dropdown & account dashboard. For most of F’20 we were doing research & design. We handed off everything to dev, and updates have been rolling out to production during F’21.

Designed across whiteboards, sketchbooks, Sketch files, and HTML/CSS.

1. Account Dropdown

Our previous dropdown only had buttons to login or create an account (linking to different pages). As part of the new design, we wanted to build the login into the dropdown itself, and, if logged in, allow users to jump directly to highly sought after secondary pages of the My Account section.

As part of the Account redesign, we also hoped to introduce icons to customers to give them visual landmarks to look for when quickly browsing the site for things like their orders, favorites, or settings, and built that into the dropdown as well.

2. The Dashboard

In the past, our account section was just a left navigation with many different sub-pages that had no internal hierarachy. If you wanted to do multiple tasks, it required multiple steps. This had to get simplified moving forward.

We grouped things into 3 main pillars: orders, lists, & settings.

This redesign allowed us to use the extra space to dynamically show recent orders, as well as things like their registered products and quick links to account related contact forms.

3. Order Pages

The order history and order details are the main use-case for the account section in the past, so we spent a lot of time researching and testing our options for the new layout here.

With the recent orders widget added to the dashboard itself, we kept the Order History page as simple and straight-forward as possible, but introduced colors and icons to denote the status of things at a glance. This also helped us group items by order number in the new Order Details page, which drew a lot of inspiration from the checkout workflow.

4. Favorites & My Products

Our existing Favorite’s system was rarely used by customers, so that left an opportunity to rethink how it was used and organized. We decided a good way to help users populate their favorites would be to suggest item’s related to their Registered Products to the favorite lists, as well as things they had ordered more than once.

This way, instead of going through past orders to find the items a customer needed again months down the road, this new list section could become a simpler go-to for that quick reorder.

5. Settings & More

Finally, the biggest reorganization was the new settings area. Instead of a separate page for each item, we envisioned a single page with all settings easily accessed and changed at once (with save buttons for each section to allow users to feel secure that their updates were being made as they worked).

This redesign was also looking forward to future updates where multiple payments and shipping addresses could be stored in the system and chosen between at checkout. Currently, that functionality doesn’t exist, but the designs account for it as our ideal end-state.

5. What's Next?

A lot of this is live on the site already, but the stuff that is left to do requires more intensive work from the development team (eg: the mega-settings page, saving multiple payments/addresses, recommending favorites based on purchase history and registration, etc).

When I left in late-2019 (Q1 of F’21), the designs were approved and handed off, and development work had been started. As I write this in December of 2020, there is still some work to go, but it’s starting to roll-out to customers and looks like a big improvement over what was in place beforehand. I’ll loop back to update this post in the future, but right now the best way to see the progress is to checkout

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